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Event Countdown
November 10-12 2022
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Download the STATCAST Mobile App

Get ready to connect, focus, and grow! Download the STATCAST mobile app and start personalizing your CAST experience now. This free app provides detailed information about the workshops and sessions, and allows you to plan your schedule, download session handouts, and more.

  • Search STATCAST in the App Store or Google Play to download.
  • Once in the app, click on the CAST22 event.
  • Enter the email you registered for CAST22 with to be granted access.
  • Build your agenda, interact with other attendees, and more!


Mobile App Tips

  • Log in with the email you used to register for CAST. Only this email will grant you access to the event in the mobile app.
  • Make sure you are viewing the most up-to-date app information each day. Click the refresh button in the top right corner to manually reload the app to ensure you're seeing the most up-to-date session times and offerings.
  • Not seeing CAST22 information? If you attended CAST21 in-person or CAST 24/7 virtually and used the mobile app, you may need to know how to switch between events. If you’re seeing CAST21 or CAST 24/7 event information in the app, click the exit button in the top left of the screen to switch events and click yes when prompted. Then, from the app’s main screen, select the CAST22 event.
  • Turn on notifications. Make sure you have push notifications enabled so that you don't miss important updates throughout the conference. You won't want to miss a surprise update about free swag or an awesome featured session.
  • Share on the event's social wall. Share about your favorite session or what you love about CAST on the social wall! 
  • Rate sessions. At the top of a session's listing, you can click "Rate Now" to provide a star rating and/or share your feelings about the session you just watched. Rate as yourself or anonymously, and let STAT and presenters know how you feel about session content.
  • Seeing red dots? These mean that information is new to you or that an update was made, such as a time or room change for a session. They may also appear or reappear when you connect/disconnect from the conference WiFi or your cellular connection resets. They do not mean that sessions are full. (Remember: CAST sessions are open to all attendees on a first-come, first-served basis.) 
  • Don't want to download an app? Access the mobile app via your web browser here. You'll need to log in with the email you used to register for CAST22. 

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