Know Before You Go

Important Information 


Phoenix Convention Center
100 North Third Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004

What to Bring 

  • refillable water bottle

  • Face masks if you choose to wear one

  • Your confirmation email, either on your phone or printed out in order to print your badge 


Conference-provided meals will be as follows for all attendees and exhibitors. All other meals are on your own and concessions will be open at the Convention Center. 

  • Thursday Lunch

  • Friday Lunch 

  • Saturday Lunch 

Local SACNAS Chapters 

SACNAS chapters, both student and professional, are a source of community that has generated a powerful peer network working to achieve the SACNAS mission at the local, regional, and national levels across the country. SACNAS is extremely proud to have chapters at: 

Arizona State University -Tempe

Northern Arizona University

General Safety

  • When you are traveling outside of the convention center, please be sure to follow the “buddy system”. This ensures an additional layer of safety in a crowded downtown area. Never travel alone! 
  • Don’t carry too many high valuable belongings when walking around any downtown location. 
  • Stay aware of your surroundings when you are traveling on foot. Downtown areas have a high level of traffic, including fellow pedestrians, cars and buses! 
  • Be sure to follow pedestrian crosswalk signage – do not jaywalk! 
  • If your destination is too far by walking distance, please consider using a taxi or rideshare service (Uber, Lyft, etc).  
  • Consider removing your badge when you exit the convention center/NDiSTEM conference bag so that you are not easily identifiable in a crowd. 
  • If you are lost, keep an eye out for the official Phoenix “Downtown Ambassadors” who will be in orange shirts and can be found outside of the convention center. They are there to help you navigate downtown and assist all visitors with way finding. 
  • If you find yourself concerned and in need of emergency assistance, you may use a blue light box (if it is nearby) which is a call box that will notify ASU police. You can use this box even if you are not an ASU student. Otherwise, please dial 911 immediately.