Thank you for volunteering to serve as a moderator at PRIMA’s 2024 Annual Conference! Here you will find all of the information that you need to successfully moderate an education session.
Presentation Details
You should have received an email containing the final schedule of your designated education session(s) as well as an introduction between the presenter(s) to the moderator(s).
Moderator Details
Moderators are responsible for:
double-checking the room for AV equipment
introducing themselves to the session presenter(s)
introducing the presenter(s) to the attendees
assisting with Q&A,
encouraging attendees to fill out evaluations and returning information to the Speaker-Ready Room (Canal Speaker Ready Room A)
All moderators should download and print their presenters’ biographies as well as the Session Information Sheet prior to moderating the session from the 2024 Annual Conference mobile app. Please download your session presenter’s biography from the app website. If a biography is not available for your session presenter, please contact the presenter directly.
Moderator Resources
Evaluations All evaluations will be conducted through the 2024 Annual Conference App. Attendees will be able to evaluate sessions after they conclude.
It is extremely important that you encourage attendees to fill out the evaluations! They will be able to evaluate sessions via the mobile app as soon as the session ends. Please remind them as they are leaving the session.
The purpose of the Speaker-Ready Room is to provide presenters and moderators with a location to prepare for their designated session(s). You can access the Speaker-Ready Room Formfor more information regarding the room’s location, hours of operation and session preparation details.