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The PRIMA 2018 Annual Conference in Indianapolis will offer engaging, important and timely information about and related to public risk management through quality education sessions dedicated to exploring the hottest, cutting-edge topics and issues impacting today's public risk manager. 

The educational sessions are offered as 30-minute cram sessions, traditional 1.25 hour classroom sessions and 2.5 hour in-depth workshops.  Selected sessions are organized by the following tracks:

Employee Benefits/Human Resources

- Building an Authentic Workplace Culture
- Creating a Compliant Wellness Program
- Diversity and Inclusion: The Risk and Opportunities
- Meaningful Retiree Health Care Strategies to Mitigate Risk
- The Essential Elements of Effective Conflict Resolution

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

- ERM and Organizational Culture: Adapting to Survive/Thrive
- ERM Roundtable: ISO 31000 Updates and More 
- First Amendment Challenges to Pan-Handling and Sign Regulations 
- Kansas City 2.0: Embracing the Smart City Challenge
- Managing the Risk Relationships of Your Community Special Events
- Mind Your P's and Q's: Tips for ERM Implementation Success


- Audits, Performance Reviews or Benchmarking: When & Why
- Emerging Trends and the Use of Data Analytics for Self-Insurance Pooling
- Optimizing Your Excess Insurance/Reinsurance Dollars
- Pool Information Exchange 
- Rethinking Leadership: Overturning Traditional Professional Development
- Why Pooling Works!

Risk & Benefits Financing/Insurance/Self-Insurance

- Cyber Insurance: Key Considerations and Challenges
- Determining Your Entity's Total Cost of Risk
- Engaging with the Public-Private Partnership to Manage Risk
- Real-World Risk Transfer
- Transparent Pricing - Know Your Healthcare Costs
- Understanding Actuarial Reports: Fun with Numbers!
- What Is Your Construction IQ?

Risk Control/Safety

- Body Cams - Technology and Usage Issues are Growing  
- The Era of Drones – What’s Now and What’s Next?
- Managing Distracted Driving in Law Enforcement
- Police Response to Mental Illness Crises
- Safety Talk Effectiveness
- Strategic Approach to Claims Management
- The Fleet/Risk Management Connection
- Cyber Symposium


- Evaluating Damages in High Exposure Litigation
- Protecting Our Students: A Panel Discussion
- Social Media and Kids: Identifying and Preventing Risks for Schools and Programs for Minors
- The ABCs of School Risk Management
- Workplace Violence: Practical Planning and Response Protocols

Risk Management Leadership/Administration

- Caught on Video: Employers, Municipalities and Trial by Social Media
- Cyber Strong?  Rate Your Readiness
- Disruptive Technologies and the Public Sector's Role
- Emerging Trends-Public Risk Manager Panel Discussion
- Local Government on Trial: Inside a Wrongful Imprisonment Lawsuit
- Mission Driven Leadership
- Police Action: Media Portrayal, Law and Reality
- RFPs: Top 10 Do's and Don'ts

Workers’ Compensation

- A Framework for Understanding the Opioid Crisis
- Addressing Municipalities' Biggest Workers' Compensation Challenges
- Claim Predictive Models in Action!
- Don't Let Your Claims Manage You
- Opioids and Chronic Pain: Problems and Solutions
- Police and Fire Presumption Claims: A Cardiologist's Perspective 
- PTSD: The Employee Who is Forever Changed


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