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VETS24 Conference Training Tracks


The VETS24 Conference offers targeted, high impact training sessions led by experienced GovCon experts who understand how the federal contracting game is played. AND are willing to share the secrets most conference speakers don’t know or won’t share. Period. VETS24 Conference training provides the knowledge, expertise, network connections, and proven strategies to navigate the world’s largest and most confusing marketplace. You will leave each session with takeaways including: Best Practice Guides; Implementation Checklists; Tip/Trick/Techniques for Success Strategies; and other tangible learning tools. VETS24 Conference training – the Best Value for Your Federal GovCon Business Success! 

TRACK 1BUILD YOUR PIPELINE: Define Your Target Markets & Close New Business in 2024 & Beyond 

Track 1 Sessions provide clear navigation in the complex and constantly changing Federal small business marketplace. From full-scope situational awareness (market intelligence) to BULLSEYE (captured work), these sessions provide the keys to success and revenue growth in 2024 and beyond. Includes multiple ‘Industry Day’ presentations by agency leadership on pre-solicitation & pre-release 2024 acquisitions! 

TRACK 2: FORTIFY YOUR FIRM: Internal Investments to Increase PWin & Self-Evaluation Points 

Track 2 Sessions identify critical success factors to GovCon small business growth in this highly competitive marketplace. Learn which internal BD investments lead directly to increased proposal PWin and how to implement the best practices in your firm. And with more solicitations moving to quantitative self-evaluations, learn the tricks to increase your corporate “point value”. Breakout sessions in this track equip you with the pertinent assets and investments for operational readiness. 

TRACK 3: EXPAND AND SCALE : Strategies to Maximize Wins & Accelerate Growth 

You have a solid footprint, so how do you scale? Track 3 sessions provide strategies for corporate acceleration, and cover force multiplier tactics to increase your company’s success rate. Topics presented include: Maximizing Your Wins; Leveraging Agency Access; Organic Vs Inorganic Growth; Leveraging the Mentor Protégé and Joint Venturing Programs; Promoting the new 5% SDVOSB Goal in Federal Agencies – Who, When, How?; Services vs Product Sales – or BOTH?; and related topics to accelerate your growth.