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NSTA 75th logo

Making Sense of Three-Dimensional Teaching & Learning Workshop

October 25-26, 2019
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Room 355E, Salt Palace Convention Center
Salt Lake City, Utah

Earlybird (closes 9/13/19)
$575 nonmember | $500 member

Full rate (after 9/13/19):
$650 nonmember | $575 member

Registration for this event is closed.

This two-day workshop develops participants' understanding of the three-dimensions of science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. Participants engage in professional learning using high-quality instructional materials paired with a powerful toolkit of resources to implement the three-dimensional learning centered on phenomena and design solutions in the classroom. Facilitators model instructional strategies and use of curricular materials consistent with the innovations in A Framework for K-12 Education.

Workshop registration includes:

Workshop space is limited.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Conduct an investigation where participants actively engage in science and engineering practices in the context of explaining a phenomenon or designing a solution to a problem in order to understand the essential features of all three dimensions (Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts) and why all three dimensions must be integrated for effective instruction.
  • Construct an evidence-based argument on how to use phenomena to generate student questions to motivate student sense making and support three-dimensional teaching and learning of the targeted core ideas.
  • Analyze a lesson's potential to support three-dimensional teaching and learning by building on student's prior knowledge, providing students opportunities to express their ideas, and helping students see how the lesson fits coherently into the overall unit of instruction.

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