Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting in a Digital
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Room: Regency Ballroom F
Join this hands-on workshop demonstrating the enormous
potential for data collection, analysis, and student lab reporting in your
digital laboratory. Handouts. |
Speaker: Gregory Dodd, Retired Educator
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Hands-On Workshop
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
The Story of NGSS Test
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Room: Buckeye B
Attention will be paid to NGSS test
writing, from starting the story to identifying topic trees and relevant
standards to writing the questions. |
Speaker: Linda Detwiler, Chemistry Teacher, Webster County High School
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
Available Handouts :
Using NGSS Resources to “Flip a Lesson” and
Improve Three-Dimensionality
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: Buckeye B
Do you have a lesson you’d like to use, but aren’t sure
it is truly three dimensional? Join us to experience an elementary science
lesson “before and after” NGSS. We’ll evaluate lessons using a
structured process and NGSS resources. Leave with a format to help
evaluate your lessons and those you are considering. |
Diane Johnson, Regional Teacher Partner, EKU Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform Ronetta Brown, PIMSER Regional Teacher Partner, Eastern Kentucky University Patti Works, Regional Teacher Partner, EKU Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
Available Handouts :
Pedagogy for Conceptual Retention: Modeling Instruction
in Science
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Room: Regency Ballroom C
Join us for an introduction to the modeling method of
instruction by working through a condensed modeling cycle. Discussion includes
application in model-based secondary physics, chemistry, and biology
courses. |
Kathleen Stuller, Olentangy High School Laura Swiatek, Science Teacher, Trinity Episcopal School Mary Whalen, Physics Teacher, Olentangy High School Sarah Palmer, Science Teacher, Olentangy High School
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Hands-On Workshop
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
Available Handouts :
Tools to Make Three-Dimensional Learning Explicit for
Students and Teachers
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Room: Regency Ballroom G
Work with tools, including card sorts and performance
task shells, to make the three dimensions explicit. Participants will get
electronic access to download the tools. |
Speaker: David Vernot, Curriculum Consultant, Butler County Educational Service Center
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Hands-On Workshop
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
All Systems Go! Using a Systems Approach in Science Teaching and Learning
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Room: Regency Ballroom F
Instruction based on the crosscutting concepts helps students build a deeper understanding of science. Come experience effective and meaningful instruction using the crosscutting concepts. |
Speaker: Tracey Ramirez, Charles A. Dana Center
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Hands-On Workshop
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
Available Handouts :
Integrating the Three Dimensions into Lessons and Units:
A Research Discussion and Workshop with Model Strategies
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: Regency Ballroom F
Hands-on planning and sequencing activities integrate
the three dimensions of NGSS. Leave with tools and techniques to design
more effective K–2 teaching and learning experiences. |
Eleanor Armour-Thomas, Queens College, CUNY Leslee Grey, Associate Professor, Queens College, CUNY
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Hands-On Workshop
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
NESTA/OESTA Earth System Science Share-a-Thon
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom B
Join more than 20 NESTA/OESTA members and other education specialists as they share their favorite NGSS-congruent classroom activities. Lots of free resources! |
Speaker: Parker Pennington IV, Boardmember, National Earth Science Teachers Association
Session Topic:
Earth and Space Science
Session Type:
Hands-On Workshop
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
Featured Presentation: Science as a Fundamental Skill and
Lifelong Experience—Workforce and Life Force
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom A
Science plays a significant role in preparing students
for the workforce and life. As Stephen has said from the beginning of the
development of the Next Generation Science Standards, understanding and
managing a full system change takes time and commitment. In this talk, he will
discuss the world that awaits us in 2030, what system changes should entail, how
to advocate for the importance of science, and remind us that while we are
preparing students for a future, we want them to enjoy the wonder that is
science for a lifetime. |
Speaker: Stephen Pruitt, President, Southern Regional Education Board
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Featured Speaker
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
Available Handouts :
Stepping Up to STEM Success: Exploring Teacher
Leadership Through Best Practices in 3-D Learning
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Room: Regency Ballroom E
Come see how we are building teacher leaders across our
region through our Next Generation STEM Fellows program and see examples of
their exemplary work. |
Amber Carter, Outreach Specialist, Northern Kentucky University Ella Bowling, Director of STEM Outreach, Northern Kentucky University
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Hands-On Workshop
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
Using Crosscutting Concepts Everyday
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: Buckeye A
Are you looking for some simple ways to intentionally
integrate the crosscutting concepts into your class? Come here for some simple
ideas that you can start using tomorrow. |
Patrick Goff, Teacher, Beaumont Middle School Claire Kinney Johnson, 8th Grade Science Teacher, Beaumont Middle School
Session Topic:
General Science Education
Session Type:
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts