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Press Registration

Members of the media can receive a complimentary badge (press pass) to attend an NSTA conference. To qualify for a badge, you must submit credentials and be approved by the NSTA Office of Legislative and Public Affairs (OLPA).

How do I register?

To register for a complimentary press badge, send an e-mail to mediarelations@nsta.org and include the following information:

  • Name, title, publication, telephone number, e-mail address
  • Attach one form of press credentials (see list below)
  • Specify which conference/event you would like to attend
  • List topics/subjects that you are interested in covering as it relates to the conference/event

What are the credential requirements for editorial press registration?

One of the following:

  • Masthead from a current issue of an industry-related publication listing you as an editorial contributor
  • An industry-related article published with the past six months with your byline
  • A letter from the news director or assignment editor on station/network letterhead saying that you have been assigned to represent the organization in an editorial capacity at an NSTA conference/event
  • Press photo ID
  • Business card from your media outlet reflecting your editorial role

Online publications: Must be a previously established, independent site that is regularly updated with original and current broadcast or media-related news. Personal blogs, forums, and user groups will not be considered for media registration.

Can press register on site?

Yes, but please remember to bring credentials (listed above) and a photo ID (driver’s license, ID card and passport) with you to the conference. You must register at the media registration counter to receive a badge. Please send an e-mail to mediarelations@nsta.org for details on where the media registration counter is located. Please indicate which event you are inquiring about in the subject line.

When will I receive my press badge?

Once registered, you will receive an e-mail from an OLPA staff member confirming that you have been approved to receive an official press badge. The e-mail will also include detailed instructions on where you will need to go to pick up your badge. Badges will not be mailed. Please allow 3–5 business days before following up.

Who can I contact for interviews and other related information?

You can contact Kate Falk at 703-312-9211.

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