NHPCO’s 2022 Virtual Interdisciplinary Conference (IDC2022) website is now live!
If you have already registered for IDC2022, access the website.
If you have not registered, it’s not too late! Register now and receive your log-in credentials to access all on-demand content through December 31, 2022.
Logins and passwords have been emailed by conferences@nhpco.org. Be sure to check spam/junk folders as logins may be filtered by some inboxes.
For help with passwords, click the ‘forgot password’ link at the event entrance.
For help with logins, contact NHPCO’s Solutions Center at 800-646-6460 or conferences@nhpco.org.
Thank you for serving as faculty for the 2022 Virtual Interdisciplinary Conference. This Faculty Service Center is designed to help you collect and organize your information to ensure a successful conference.
Note: Your main NHPCO website login and password will not access this site.
Your login credentials and password was provided in an email from faculty@nhpco.org. If you didn't receive this email, first check your email's spam folder, then email faculty@nhpco.org.
Questions? Contact NHPCO at faculty@nhpco.org or call Leah Rivera at 571.412.3979.