Media & Press


Media registration
Credentialed journalists covering the conference on behalf of accredited news organizations are invited to pre-register. Media may attend all official conference program activities and can request press materials, registration information, and conference recordings by contacting the 2020 STD Prevention Conference media contact, Mellissa Ungkuldee, at or (212) 584-5027.



Journalists who meet the following criteria are eligible to register:

· They must provide original, editorial news coverage

· Editorial content must be independent of advertising and sponsorship (if the website is sponsored, the site must have multiple sponsors, and all sponsors must be clearly identified as such on the website)

· Personal websites do not qualify for media registration

Proof of accreditation is required to register as media. Accreditation may take the form of a photocopy of official press credentials or a letter from an editor verifying assignment to the conference on the stationery of the media organization for which you work.


Freelance journalists wishing to cover the conference must submit copies of three bylined STD-related articles in addition to an official letter of assignment. Newsletter writers and editors must submit three issues of their newsletter, at least one of which must include a bylined STD article.


Embargo policy

Conference studies are embargoed until the date and start time of the scientific presentation or poster session, with the following exception: studies highlighted in press briefings are embargoed until the date and start time of the press briefing, or the date and start time of presentation – whichever is earlier. All embargoes are lifted once a study has been posted on the conference website. Any publication prior to the embargo lift is a strict violation of conference embargo policy.


Press conferences
Please look for future updates on the content, timing, and location of official conference press briefings. Final materials can be found here.


Recording and photography
Given the virtual format of the conference, there will be no media photography or recording of sessions. However, oral presentations will be recorded, and conference organizers can make them available to interested media.

Author slides
Authors retain the copyright to their full slide presentations, and the release of full presentations or slides to media is at each author’s discretion. Use or publication of the slides by media is strictly prohibited without written permission from the author.

Interview requests
Media center personnel will make every effort to assist in arranging interviews with presenters or other spokespersons. Please contact or (404) 639-8895 if you would like to request an interview.


References to the conference
When referring to the conference in your coverage, please use the full name: 2020 STD Prevention Conference.


Phone numbers:

CDC Media Information Line (all times): (404) 639-8895


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