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Additional Training

Scroll down to the very bottom for instructions on how to register for these additional trainings.

Federal Acquisition Professionals, NASA SEWP and Industry Providers of ICT Solutions – A Conversation
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Fee: Complimentary
Education Credits: 2 CPE/CLP

  • Ken Brown, Industry Relations Manager, Industry Relations Team, NASA SEWP
  • George Nico, Contract Holder Relationship Manager/ Program Specialist, NASA
What is NASA’s Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement, better known as SEWP? As a federal government acquisition professional, why should you care? As a company that provides Information and Communications Technology solutions, why should you care? During this high-level conversation, we will provide procurement information for both government and industry. Additionally, we will host a panel consisting of federal, industry, and SEW contract holders. This panel will address your questions about Information and Communication Technology acquisitions.

Department of Homeland Security, Procurement Innovation Lab’s (PIL) 60th Webinar: A Booster Shot of Innovation - FEMA’s COVID-19 Vaccination Support Story  
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Fee: Complimentary 
Education Credits:  1.5 CPE/CLP

  • Trevor Wagner, DHS Procurement Innovation Lab
  • Scott Simpson, DHS Procurement Innovation Lab
  • Sharon Edwards, DHS Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Monique Park, DHS Federal Emergency Management Agency
The COVID-19 pandemic affected us all in many ways.  One year ago, Operation Warp Speed supported several successful COVID-19 vaccines. The National Strategy for COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness charged the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with establishing Community Vaccination Centers to administer these vaccines. This webinar will peak behind the curtain and share the story of one team at FEMA who awarded two $1.6 billion contracts (each) in just 79 days, while receiving over 50 offers!

Mission criticality mandated that the team award quickly. On a tight timeline, the team used a whole host of innovative procurement techniques to rapidly solicit, evaluate, and procure support personnel to administer COVID vaccines. 

This story is ripe with lessons learned. What do you do when down-selects and oral presentations don’t go as smoothly as planned? Do you panic? Of course not! You figure out how to keep moving forward.  We’ll also talk about an innovative technique that is often discounted, but that really gave the team a shot in the arm! 

Join us on December 1st at 1:30pm ET for a booster shot of innovation!

Winter Chapter Leader Summit - Powerful Events in The New Normal

Wednesday, December 1, 2021
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

Fee: Complimentary to NCMA Members 
Education Credits:

View additional details here.


National Education Seminar: Collaborative Problem Solving for Contract Managers
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
Education Credits:  6.5 CPE/CLP
Please note breakfast is not provided on 12/1 for those attending the NES.
*In-Person only
  • Glenn Richardson, Leadership Coach and Executive Consultant, LeaderSages
  • Heidi Timmerman, CPCM, Fellow, Independent Consultant & Lecturer, University of Tennessee
In an acquisition environment that increasingly relies on contract managers to drive innovative solutions, collaborative problem solving has become a non-negotiable skill. There is clear evidence that collaboration leads to better results than can be achieved by individual contributors. Driving meaningful collaboration can be challenging for contract managers who manage a wide variety of stakeholders, sometimes with competing priorities. This full-day seminar will explore specific strategies for solving complex acquisition problems through collaboration and provide hands-on practice building high-trust relationships, fostering a collaborative environment, using emotional intelligence and problem-solving models to lead a team solution, leveraging collaboration tools and technology, and avoiding common collaboration pitfalls.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define meaningful collaboration
  2. Recognize the role of collaboration in problem-solving
  3. Build a collaborative environment
  4. Identify critical stakeholders and decide who to include on the team
  5. Measure stakeholder trust and engagement levels
  6. Build high-trust stakeholder relationships
  7. Build engagement through emotional intelligence
  8. Practice using problem-solving techniques
  9. Lead a team to analyze and solve a problem
  10. Use collaboration tools and technology
  11. Avoid common collaboration pitfalls
  12. Plan a collaborative effort
National Education Seminar: The Contract Life Cycle: Using the Contract Management Body of Knowledge (CMBOK)® as Your Guide  
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
Education Credits:  6.5 CPE/CLP
Please note breakfast is not provided on 12/1 for those attending the NES.
*In-Person only
  • Irvin Gray, CPCM, CFCM, CCCM, Assistant General Counsel for Contracts, Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies, LLC
  • Shene' Commodore, CPCM, Fellow, President, Commodore Consultng, LLC

In this interactive seminar, participants will try their hands at specific job tasks required of contract managers throughout the contract life cycle: pre-award, award, and post-award. Expert practitioners will lead participants as they explore specific examples and case studies at each stage using NCMA’s Contract Management Body of Knowledge® (CMBOK®) as their guide.

Join us if you are in the early years of your contract management career and are seeking a comprehensive perspective on the business of contracting. If further along in your career, join us to begin preparing for your Certified Professional Contract Manager (CPCM) with this introduction to the CMBOK®.

Participants will receive a copy of NCMA’s CMBOK®, the must-have reference for contract management professionals, based on our internationally recognized third party standard.



o CMBOK® framework

o 7 CMBOK® Competencies: overview

o Contract Life Cycle

o Intro activity: pre-award, award, and post-award in context of competency system

Unit 1: Pre-Award

o Pre-award process competencies and job tasks

§ Plan solicitation

§ Request offers

§ Plan sales

§ Prepare offer

o Pre-award case study

Unit 2: Award

o Award process competencies and job tasks

§ Price or cost analysis

§ Plan negotiations

§ Select source

§ Manage disagreements

Award Case Study Unit 3: Post-Award

o Post-award process competencies and job tasks

§ Administer contract

§ Ensure quality

§ Manage subcontracts

§ Manage changes

§ Close out contract

o Post-award case study


Learning Objectives:

  1. Build a federal solicitation
  2. Build a solicitation plan
  3. Outline the steps in the typical market research cycle
  4. Select the appropriate contract type based on risks
  5. Select the appropriate contracting method (IFB, RFP, etc.) based on goals
  6. Outline elements of a typical statement of work
  7. Apply the OFPP Mythbusting Memos to buyer-seller communication. 
  8. Evaluate a solicitation
  9. Determine whether an offer has a fair and reasonable price
  10. Document a best-value tradeoff decision
  11. Outline contract administration steps
  12. Process requests for equitable adjustments and claims
  13. Recognize how claims can escalate into appeals to the appropriate court or board
  14. Describe the hybrid nature of subcontract management 
  15. Outline the six-step contract changes management process for government changes
  16. Respond to a cure notice, a show-cause notice, and a termination for default decision
  17. Describe the hybrid nature of subcontract management 
  18. Outline the six-step contract changes management process for government changes
  19. Respond to cure notice, a show-cause notice, and a termination for default decision
  • In-Person NCMA Member Add On - $250.00
  • In-Person Nonmember Add On - $285.00
  • In-Person NCMA Member NES Only - $250.00
  • In-Person Nonmember NES Only - $285.00
Education Credits: 6.5 CPE/CLP

Registration Instructions:

If you have already registered for GCMS and would like to add any of these additional trainings to your registration, please follow these steps:
  1. Login to the Attendee Service Center with your registered email and password provided in your confirmation email.
  2. Click 'Edit' next to your name to enter your registration. 
  3. Continue to the fee selection page and select the add-on.
  4. Continue to the Payment page, choose your payment method and click 'Complete Registration'.
If you would like to register for any of these additional trainings, please follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Registration page and choose your applicable registration path.
  2. Continue to the fee selection page and select the add-on option with your GCMS registration, or as a stand-alone.
  3. Continue to the Payment page, choose your payment method and click 'Complete Registration'.

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