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Welcome to Poster Submissions

HSPA would like to invite you to submit a poster presentation for the HSPA Annual Conference and Expo. Now's the time to put your positive learning experiences in front of conference attendees and showcase them in this important educational offering.

The HSPA 2025 Poster Displays offer a unique way to share your knowledge and experience with Sterile Processing (SP) professionals. They open the door for you to highlight a wide range of SP-related successes -- from quality improvement, cost savings or patient safety initiatives to infection prevention, staff development and customer relations improvements.

Submission Standards:

  • Attendee Posters must be non-commercial and should be directly related to Sterile Processing functions
  • Vendor Posters may contain commercial information, but must have an educational (not sales) focus
  • Posters should include the following:
    • Objectives
    • Methods 
    • Results 
    • Conclusions
  • Must include a title, author names and affiliations, and an indication of which author (if any) will discuss the poster onsite at the conference, if the poster is selected to be presented. 
  • Submissions should contain only original material, not published or presented elsewhere prior to submission
The posters will be published on the HSPA website following the conference.

For assistance on how to create a poster using PowerPoint, please use the guide for specifications: How-To Guide



All poster submissions must be received no later than 11:59pm CST, Friday, February 28th, 2025. All entries must be submitted online. Posters submitted via fax or email will not be accepted. Incomplete submissions and posters submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

Display Format:

To display your poster at the conference, please adhere to the following specifications:
  1. Size: 36" high by 48" wide
  2. Orientation: Landscape
Posters must be submitted as a single high resolution image, or as a one-slide PowerPoint Presentation (Note: HSPA will not accept posters in any other format.

If you need assistance with available Presentation Templates, please contact Germaine Lee by email).

HSPA will convert accepted submissions to both digital and poster formats for display during the Annual Conference in Louisville, KY. A list of posters and authors will be printed in the Conference Program and Guide to the Expo, and a PDF version of the poster will be made available online after the conference ends. Please Note: Several posters will be selected by HSPA for oral presentation during exhibit hours. Authors will be contacted in advance for further acceptance of presentation.

Selection Process:

Confirmation of acceptance/denial of your poster submission will be given by email by Monday, March 10th, 2025


HSPA will bear the cost for the creation of the poster, for display in Louisville. If you would like to keep your poster after the conference, all shipping materials and expenses to return the poster will be at the expense of the poster author.

Please Note: HSPA does not provide conference registration waivers or other monetary funding.

Important Dates and Deadlines:

  • Poster Submissions Due: Friday, February 28th (11:59pm CST)
  • Author Notifications Sent: Monday, March 10th
Please address any questions to: Germaine Lee, HSPA Education Manager by email.