Thank You to Our Sponsors!
If you are interested in being a sponsor for the ARMA Canada Information Conference, please contact Jennifer Millett,
You are invited to exhibit at the annual ARMA Canada Information Conference! An audience of information governance and records management professionals across Canada and other countries will be seeking solutions in document, content, and records management.
Why should you exhibit?
- A chance to learn more about ARMA’s new direction and get to know a new pipeline of ARMA members
- Gain exposure to IG and Records and information management (RIM) professionals across Canada
- Reinforce your relationships with existing customers
- Expand your market reach
- Connect your brand and products to our members
- Gather useful data about industry trends
- Demonstrate your support of ARMA International and the IG/RIM industry
- Strengthen your competitive edge!
Direct Line: 913-217-6022
Mobile: 913-568-2506