The official APTA hotel for the APTA 2024 APTAtech Conference is the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. APTA has reserved a block of rooms at the cost of $199 per night (single)/$209 (double). Rooms are taxable at 16.37% per room night.
All workshop activities and sessions will be held at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown.
1201 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
All reservations must be made through the Marriott Philadelphia Downtown online reservations link. If you have questions regarding the hotel reservation process, you may contact Kwakuita Spence
Your reservation must be received by the hotel before July 19, 2024. After this date, all rooms will be released and reservations will be accepted on a space and rate-available basis. Please note that rooms may sell out prior to July 19, so early bookings are recommended.
Unauthorized housing companies may contact you identifying themselves as being affiliated with APTA. APTA reminds attendees that the ONLY way to make hotel reservations is through the link listed on this page. We have no affiliation with other 3rd party hotel room brokers soliciting APTA attendees.
For airline discounts to Philadelphia, please visit the Airline Discounts page.