Afilliate Meetings & Events
The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) meetings and conferences brings together many transit industry professionals. These events present a prime opportunity for various member groups (affiliates) of APTA to hold meetings and events in connection with APTA’s events. Affiliates may take advantage of this opportunity by following APTA's Affiliate Meeting and Event Guidelines below when planning and hosting ancillary meetings during any of APTA’s events. Also, please be aware that ancillary meetings are also subject to the Code of Conduct for APTA Events. All ancillary meetings held in conjunction with APTA’s events must adhere to APTA’s policies, regardless of the meeting location and the additional following guidelines:
- All affiliate meetings in conjunction with the APTA event must be submitted to and approved by APTA.
- Affiliate meetings must NOT overlap with designated APTA programming. When scheduling your affiliate meetings, please refer to the event program on our website.
- All participants of your affiliate meeting MUST be registered to attend the APTA event and must wear their name badge to gain access to the venue and all meeting areas at the venue.
- Hotel/convention center meeting space and hospitality suites should only be used for business meetings and entertainment purposes only. Product demonstrations must be conducted on the exhibit floor.
- Activities scheduled during education sessions and conference programming will be limited to internal company staff of 25 people or fewer.
- APTA is not responsible for private property being left unattended in the reserved affiliate rooms. Please be mindful of all personal property and valuables throughout the event.
- Affiliate groups requesting space are responsible for the actions of their employees and/or attendees and will be expected to follow all rules and guidelines outlined.
- Affiliate meetings may not place any additional signage or collateral materials in other areas of the venue unless approved by APTA.
- Payment is due to APTA for the room rental ONLY. All other items will be purchased directly through the hotel or convention center. The affiliate contact is responsible for purchasing all food/beverage, audio/visual, equipment, etc.
- All APTA audio-visual equipment must remain in the designated meeting room for any hosted event, or if asked to be removed, re-set fees are the responsibility of the affiliate group.
- To ensure guests are drinking responsibly, the use of a hotel/convention center licensed bartender is REQUIRED when hosting a hospitality suite, or other event where alcohol is served. APTA will provide contact information for hotel or contracted security staff in the event of any guest being overserved or for any assistance needed.
- No space will be released to non-members.
- APTA strictly forbids outboarding, non-exhibiting companies that set-up exhibits or events outside of the exhibit hall, and suitcasing, the act of soliciting business at an event by somebody who has not paid for permission to do so.
Once your request is approved, contact information for all service providers will be forwarded with acceptance of your affiliate space request. Conference hotels have been instructed to only release meeting and/or hospitality suites upon approval from APTA.
APTA reserves the right to accept or reject any request in its sole judgment.
The requestor will be responsible for the following:
- Registering for the conference and reserving sleeping rooms with the hotel, within APTA’s block of rooms.
- Making all set-up and food and beverage arrangements directly with the hotel or facility; and
- Paying all related charges in conjunction with the event or meeting held.
Cancellation Policy:
All cancellations must be received in writing at least 15 business days prior to the conference. No refunds will be issued for meeting rooms that are not used or that are cancelled less than 15 business days prior to the event.
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