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Thank you for your interest in submitting a presentation proposal for Association Forum’s 2025 Women's Executive ForumTM, to be held on March 7, 2025 at Convene Willis Tower.

As we host events at unique venues and develop innovative program formats, we are seeking engaging presentations for our dynamic and hands-on event. The theme of the conference, Unstoppable, will offer a  professional development experience unlike any other. Attendees are seeking ways to reframe their thinking, blaze new trails, rise to new heights, and celebrate successes among a community of current and future leaders - all with the goal of creating positive change in their organizations.

Please review the following information before submitting your presentation:
  • Each primary speaker/moderator can submit up to three (3) proposals.
  • Proposals can be submitted for 1 hour sessions or 15-18 minute sessions, including time for participant questions and answers.
  • We are looking for bold, exciting, innovative, engaging, and interactive sessions.
  • Priority will be given to presentations that are relevant to the conference theme, especially if they touch on one or more of these critical issues:
    • Intrapreneurship: empowering individuals to develop innovative approaches within their organizations
    • Tomorrow is Now: exploring emerging thinking and new technologies that chart a path toward the future
    • "New Power" Leadership: a look toward new leadership styles and approaches based on contemporary perspectives
  • Confirmed presenters will be asked to record a short video to help promote their session before the conference. 
Please note that the Call for Proposals will close at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.

Note: After creating an account, your username and password will be sent to you. You can log in to the Proposal Service Center here to edit your submission through the deadline of October 16. Submissions will not be reviewed before this deadline. If you start a submission but wish to finish at a later time, you must enter placeholder text in all the remaining required fields in order for the presentation proposal submission to be saved; you will then have the option to edit a previously submitted entry. 

The following information will be collected in the proposal:
  • Presenter name/title/organization/email/phone
  • Consent to Speaker Terms
  • Biography (150 words maximum)
  • Headshot (optional, 350 x 350)
  • Social media links (optional)
  • Relevant article file upload (optional)
  • Presentation Title
  • Presentation Description (150 words maximum)
  • Learning Objectives (optional, 3 maximum)
  • Primary Content Strategy Area (optional)
  • Primary Target Audience (CEO/ED, C-suite/VP, Director, Manager, Coordinator/Specialist)
  • Additional Target Audience (optional, CEO/ED, C-suite/VP, Director, Manager, Coordinator/Specialist)
  • Practical Application (describe how this session's content could be applied to resolve a practical problem faced by the audience)
  • Learning Techniques (describe how this session will be presented to maximize attendee engagement. Priority will be given to sessions whose format embraces meaningful interactivity. 150 words maximum)
  • Presentation Frequency (has this presentation been giving at any other events? If so, where and when?)
  • Other Education (in the event that your session is not selected for this conference, please indicate whether you would like to be considered for other educational opportunities)