December 13-14, 2021
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Keynote Speaker

Opening Keynote

Navigating Through the Fog: Leading High-Performance Teams Through Uncertain Times
Curt SteinhorstCurt Steinhorst

The pandemic changed business, the economy, public health, home life, and almost everything else. It was a universal experiment in sudden, massive uncertainty, with no established road map to the immediate future. Leaders and individuals at every level, in every organization, must navigate through a staggering amount of unrelenting noise - with a surprising lack of information about what comes next. Despite our best efforts, teams remain inundated and overwhelmed. Workplace culture is a question mark. Organizations and their employees seem at odds. Join leadership strategy expert Curt Steinhorst as he explains how leaders can provide straightforward, meaningful direction and confidence for their teams.


Learner outcomes:

  • Define a path and the confidence to follow it by clarifying confusing, uncertain, and unprecedented situations for your team
  • Create different rhythms of work that lower stress and allow focused productivity
  • Drive growth, innovation, and high performance without creating burnout
  • Keep teams focused, resilient, and motivated during prolonged periods of uncertainty

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About the Speaker

Curt Steinhorst is the author of the bestselling book, Can I Have Your Attention?, a Top 30 Global Guru, and a regular Forbes contributor on Leadership Strategy. He pulls from a decade's worth of attention science, generational differences, and technology trends to shape leadership, engagement, and productivity. Curt has collaborated with thousands of executives to discover common approaches to finding clarity, harnessing human attention, and developing teams that yield powerful results. His unique perspective and entertaining speaking style combine unforgettable stories, cutting-edge research, and practical case studies. His many clients include AT&T, Southwest Airlines, Deloitte, JPMorgan Chase, Nike, the US Naval Academy, and SAP, to name a few.

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