
If you're an association CEO
2020 has presented our organizations with complex and exhausting challenges. No one has felt this as keenly as CEOs. We invite you to boost morale and give your staff a break by sending them to Holiday Showcase this year. Express your appreciation for their hard work by giving them the gift of professional development, networking opportunities, and swag! Plus, there will be CEOnly programming for you to connect with peers during this trying time.

If you're a seasoned association professional
Take a breather from the end-of-year rush to earn CAE credit and check in on your peers. You’ll have access to twice the education as last year’s Holiday Showcase--up to 8 CAE hours. Plus, there are plenty of opportunities for live networking and interaction with exhibitors.

If you're new to association management
Learn, connect, and grow at Holiday Showcase! If you’re just getting your feet wet in the association profession, this is the event for you. We’re offering a full schedule of education to give you a well-rounded perspective on the business of associations. Plus, you’ll have access to all the major vendors at the exhibit hall. Finally, you’ll have ample opportunity to meet new people and connect with peers at the live networking events.

If you'd like to exhibit
Over the past three decades, Holiday Showcase has become the industry's most highly anticipated one-day exhibition for Chicago's multi-billion dollar meetings and events market. In a new virtual format, we plan to grow above and beyond our expected 1,400 qualified attendees and buyers. Booth registration is now open!


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