Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Measuring Your Marketing Effectiveness: How Mature is Your Marketing?
Marketing effectiveness can be hard to measure, but we all face increased pressure to understand it and report on it. Where is your marketing working? What opportunities are you missing? Ultimately, marketing effectiveness equates to marketing maturity. Regardless of your organization’s size, your marketing ecosystem lives on a maturity spectrum—and where you stand today tells a story of where you’ll end up tomorrow. In this presentation, we’ll break down how to measure your marketing maturity, and thereby, your effectiveness across six key categories: research & analytics, branding & strategy, marketing & SEO, UX design & content, technology, and team dynamics. From there, we’ll explore how to move from one stage of marketing maturity to the next.
Speaker(s): Joi Bass, Mighty Citizen
2022062114:4515:45 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 193A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 253A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 333A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
11:05 AM - 12:05 PM CDT
Selling the Sizzle: How to Make Yourself Notable and Quotable in Business
The best brand names "Just Do it." So why are you OVER doing your career pitch? Or better still, sitting on the sidelines waiting on your phone to 'ping'? Not anymore! This session will provide trade secrets from the world's TOP brands that can be applied for a successful career trajectory in business.
Speaker(s): Shanita Akintonde, ShanitaSpeaks, LLC
2022062111:0512:05 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 173A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 353A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
9:50 AM - 10:50 AM CDT
The Drama-Free Workplace: 3 Ways to Dissolve Conflict So Your Association Can Get Back to Work
Is your staff, board, or volunteer drama keeping you from getting your important association work done? Develop effective conflict resolution skills to unlock creativity, overcome barriers to cooperation, and find better collaboration.
Speaker(s): Marcy Fortnow, Engaging Play, LLC
2022062109:5010:50 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 223A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 253A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 313A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 393A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CDT
What Your Members Think About Career Progression and Why It’s Important to You
The impact of the pandemic on members' careers is hard to overstate. As of 2020, 26% of professionals were reviewing their career path on at least a monthly basis and in 2021, research revealed that 58% of respondents said that the pandemic had a negative impact on their careers. Our 2022 survey shows that 42% of professionals are considering leaving their job in the next 12 months, giving way to what is being termed "The Great Resignation." In this time when career development and progression is top of mind for professionals, it raises the question: What can your association do to better support members in their career journey?
The goal of this session is to provide an actionable framework for assessing your members’ career development; how they approach it, what's important to them, and where you can add value. Speaker(s): Chris Adams, Madgex
2022062113:3014:30 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 223A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 233A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 333A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
9:50 AM - 10:50 AM CDT
Speed Networking Across Association Lines
Association life is about making connections. Join us for a fast and furious networking session where you meet, greet, and repeat in 3-minute intervals. Bring your smile, your 30-second elevator pitch, and the resolve to reconnect personally to our industry. Regardless of your position or length of association management service, this high-energy event will prove worth your while.
Speaker(s): Jill McCall, Mechanical Contractors Association
POWERED BY: Vancouver |
2022062109:5010:50 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 203A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 223A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 243A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 253A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 333A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 393A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3C3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Speed Networking Across Association Lines
Association life is about making connections. Join us for a fast and furious networking session where you meet, greet, and repeat in 3-minute intervals. Bring your smile, your 30-second elevator pitch, and the resolve to reconnect personally to our industry. Regardless of your position or length of association management service, this high-energy event will prove worth your while.
Speaker(s): Jill McCall, Mechanical Contractors Association
POWERED BY: Vancouver |
2022062114:4515:45 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 203A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 223A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 243A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 253A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 333A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 393A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3C3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM CDT
Best. Meeting. Ever.
We have all participated in a meeting where at least one person was not physically present, and, because of this, probably wasn’t fully mentally present either. The entire meeting suffers when this happens, and it is even more consequential during board or committee meetings where an organizations’ decision-makers are not able to meet efficiently and effectively engage in meaningful dialogue. Join us to learn first-hand from association leaders about their successes in planning and facilitating hybrid board meetings, committee meetings, task force meetings and other types of volunteer meetings that enable achieving outcomes. From technology and logistics to agenda and location, this session will discuss several aspects that contribute to ensuring you hit a home run with your next volunteer meeting and have everyone adjourn feeling accomplished and rewarded.
Speaker(s): Robin Rone, Smithbucklin Danielle Gorash Holland, Smithbucklin Christopher Mundschenk, Smithbucklin Katie Callahan-Giobbi, Smithbucklin Jonathan Lurie, Smithbucklin
2022062114:4515:45 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 50B32B05-EB8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 51B32B05-EB8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 52B32B05-EB8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 183A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 203A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 213A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 313A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 393A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CDT
Bringing Your Values to Work—So You Can Bring Your Authentic Self to Your Association
Individual values are often referred to as our personal guiding principles. Our values inform our thoughts, words, and actions. They guide our beliefs, attitudes, and behavior, our sense of right and wrong. They help us grow and develop and help us create the future we want. There is a powerful connection between an individual’s core values and their ability to bring the best of themselves to their work. When individuals are not bringing their authentic selves to work they end up wasting valuable energy suppressing their nature; energy that could be better used to make their association successful.
In this workshop, we will explore our values and examine how we use them to make our association truly successful. Speaker(s): Marcy Fortnow, Engaging Play, LLC
POWERED BY: Naylor |
2022062113:3014:30 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 173A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 223A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 243A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 253A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 313A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 393A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3C3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM CDT
Institutionalizing Inclusion and Operationalizing DEI as a Value
Many associations have advanced in their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work beyond early conversations and are now looking to ensure that DEI is implemented as part of an ongoing strategic priority. This session will share approaches to help you implement DEI, budget for it, incorporate it into your strategic plan, and implement effective strategies to move your association forward to become a more inclusive, equitable environment. Case studies will be shared about how other associations implemented these strategies. This session will also highlight mistakes made on the journey to incorporate more DEI and how to handle them.
Speaker(s): Debbie Trueblood, Association Management Center (AMC) Wendy-Jo Toyama, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
POWERED BY: Minneapolis |
2022062108:3009:30 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 313A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 393A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
9:50 AM - 10:50 AM CDT
It’s Time to Reimagine Your Marketing: 9 Digital Strategies To Get You There
It goes without saying that the last couple of years have forced organizations to shift their overall marketing strategies, and associations are no exception! The digital landscape has forever changed and a surge of technological advancements is on the horizon. To adapt to this evolution, your approach to engaging new and prospective members through SEO, SEM, and other digital marketing tactics has to change as well. This session will help you reimagine your marketing by assessing your current martech stack and strategies, and seeing where there may be opportunities to evolve. We’ll review the nine most anticipated digital marketing strategies in 2022 and how to harness the power of the latest digital tools to positively impact your association’s engagement and acquisition efforts.
Speaker(s): Cassandra Hansen, Mighty Citizen
2022062109:5010:50 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 183A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 253A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 333A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 373A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022 |
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022
11:05 AM - 12:05 PM CDT
Modernize Your Member Engagement and Create Continuity in the Era of the Great Resignation
The Great Resignation is not a blip. Statistics going back years show this will continue, and associations get hit twofold - both with staff resignations and member moves. So how do you modernize your member engagement to help cope with both? Through demonstrating member value, changing memberships with changing member needs, and ensuring that you're able to keep your database and your processes up to date no matter who sits in which chairs.
Speaker(s): Beth Arritt, Higher Logic
POWERED BY: Higher Logic |
2022062111:0512:05 001 | TUE, JUN 21 |
1E33E998-B3B6-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1D3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1E3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1F3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 1B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 203A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 213A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 233A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 313A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 383A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 393A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3A3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 3B3A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 153A68F9-EA8D-EC11-80F6-896A5F3D16C9 |