Put your company brand in front of attendees throughout the convention with one of our Sponsorship packages or an a la carte sponsorship. Please contact Erin Wander with any questions.
Sponsorship Packages:
· PREMIER - Sold Out!!
Audience Engagement
CONVENTION Engineering Influence PODCAST BOOTH - $15,000 Exclusive or $7,500 Co-Sponsor
- Sponsorship of Podcast Booth and all Podcasts conducted throughout the Convention
- Naming rights for Podcast Booth
- Acknowledgement on sponsor signage at the Podcast Booth
- Live branding of Sponsor - written copy between Podcasts
- Live Podcast featuring Sponsor's representative - questions written by Sponsor
NAECE Reception Sponsorship - $8,000
- Table available for branding opportuntities/give-aways
- Sponsor recognition on reception sign
- Sponsor recognition on promotional materials, on-site signage and mobile apps
- Sponsor recognition on email reception invites
- Two company representatives may attend the reception
First Timers and Board Luncheon - $8,000
- Two sponsor representatives allowed to attend and welcome New Attendees at a special lunch with a program designed just for them
- One piece of collateral placed as a seat drop for the sponsored event
- Sponsor recognition in promotional materials, onsite signage and mobile app
- Sponsor recognition on email invites
- List of attendees with emails (opt-in attendees only)
Partner Presentation - $4,500
- Opportunity to deliver 60-minute partner presentation during Convention
- ACEC will announce and promote the presentation via Convention mobile app and online agenda
Education Program Sponsorships (Concurrent Sessions) - $3,500
- Sponsor representative introduces speaker(s)
- List of attendees with email (opt-in attendees only)
- One piece of collateral placed as a seat drop for the sponsored event