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The exhibit hall is the main attraction for Asianists seeking the latest publications from publishers, connecting with editors, and learning about databases, new teaching resources, programs, and more.Who Should Exhibit
• Publishers, distributors, and independent seller of books, journals, and scholarly materials for classroom adoption and library purchase.
• Publishers wishing to meet with current or potential authors
• Vendors of services and products geared toward institutions of higher learning
• Vendors display research and database products
• Universities wishing to recruit students, announce fellowships, and publicize job opportunities
• Foundations, museums, and cultural institutions seeking to promote their programs, fellowships, and grants
• Travel and study abroad program providers
Who Attends
Exhibitors have access to over 3,300 Asian scholars at the largest gathering of Asian studies scholars worldwide.
Meet our attendees:
• Professors
• PhD students and post-graduates
• University/college department chairs
• Librarians
• Historians
• Museum executives
• Think Tank Staff
• Secondary School educations
• Nonprofit executives/program directors
• Art Historians
• Language Teachers